Plan An Informal Country-Themed Wedding Reception


If you will be getting married to your significant other in the near future and would like to plan an informal country-themed wedding reception that will be held on a portion of your farmland, consider adding the following ideas to your plans. A laid-back event that is held outdoors will provide you, your spouse, and guests with the opportunity to make memories together while relaxing in a comfortable and picturesque setting.

14 April 2017

Warm Up Your Winter Family Reunion With These Summer-Themed Ideas


Planning family reunions on a regular basis, whether yearly or once a decade, is an important way to build unity with one another, establish and maintain traditions, as well as preserve your family heritage. Your family reunion should be a time of fun and games, intriguing storytelling, and sharing good food, which can seem tough to accomplish when planning your event during the chilly winter months. With a little imagination and planning, you can warm your winter family reunion right up and make it feel like a summer celebration.

10 February 2016

3 Tips For Maintaining Commercial Cooking Equipment


If you are a restaurant owner, you know that caring for your kitchen equipment is the most important thing you can do to maintain productivity and prevent loss of income. Here are three things you can do to keep broilers, ovens, and other equipment running as smoothly as possible. Clean Equipment Daily to Prevent Grime Buildup Allowing food particles and grime to build up on your kitchen equipment is a health hazard for your customers, and potentially a fire hazard as well.

2 March 2015